Wednesday 15 April 2015

Buah-buahn dan Sayuran Buat SG(sugar glider)

berikut ini adalah buah-buahan dan sayuran buat sugar glider..

Buah"an segar yang diperbolehkan:

Pisang, mengandung banyak fosfor...jgn dikasih terus"an mulu, kasih dlm jumlah kecil ga papa...
Pepaya, mengandung kalsium tinggi (50mg)
Alpukat, kandungan lemak di dlm alpukat banyak, diperbolehkan hanya kasih dlm jumlah sedikit dan jgn sering", kalo bisa hindari pemberian alpukat
Buah Li

Untuk buah"an, ad buah yg mengandung efek panas dan dingin...cth buah"an yg kalo dikasih berlebihan bisa bikin sakit dan efek panas, cthnya kelengkeng, duren, jeruk, lychee, rambutan, duku...cth buah"an yg berefek dan bikin adem di perut, cthnya semangka, melon, pepaya, Buah li, pear

Buah"an kalengan buat manusia aja, dimakan pake es, yummy...kalo buah kalengan jgn buat SG krn gulanya byk bgt, blm lg pemanis buatan di beberapa buah kalengan..

Buah"an segar yg disarankan tidak diberikan:

Anggur dan kismis, takut kena gagal ginjal, krn pd anjing dan kucing sudah byk kasusnya anggur mampu membunuh anjing dan kucing

Sayur"an yang diperbolehkan:
kentang, tdk boleh diberikan dlm kondisi mentah...krn kentang mentah beracun...
bayam, mengandung kalsium tinggi (265mg)
brokoli, kasihnya dlm jumlah dikit aj..mengandung fosfor dan kalsium sangat tinggi
kembang kol, kasihnya dlm jumlah dikit aja..mengandung kalsium sangat tinggi
sawi hijau, kandungan kalsium (220mg)
jagung, mengandung fosfor yg sangat tinggi, jd jgn terlalu byk diberikan...kandungan fosfor (256mg)
wortel, bagus buat penyembuhan penyakit mata ringan pd sg, kandungan kalsium (39mg)
selada air,
Ubi merah jalar

Sayur"an yg disarankan tidak diberikan:
kol, mengandung gas bisa bikin SG perutnya kembung

Jangan berikan SG makanan di bawah ini:
candy or junk food (permen atau cemilan seperti snack, dll)
onions or foods with onion powder (it is toxic to pets) (bwg putih atau makanan yg mengandung bubuk bawang)
wild insects (they could have parasites or pesticides on them) (serangga liar takutnya terkena pestisida atau membawa parasit)
houseplants (not even if they are non toxic) (tanaman rumah)
Seeds or nuts (biji"an atau kacang"an)
cat or dog food (makanan anjing atau kucing)
ferret food (It's extremely high in fat) (makanan ferret)
Any foods with a lot of fat or refined sugar (makanan apapun yg berlemak atau mengandung gula buatan)

Please read carefully the thing that i put in the bracket...

Avocado (Feed sparingly, particularly useful for weight gain. This fruit is extremely high in fat.-not recommended to feed regularly)
Bananas (high in iron & phosphorus)
Bell peppers (sweet)
Blueberries (Small amounts once or twice a week - too much can give them the runs.)
Brussel sprouts
Chicken (Never raw. Boil until fully cooked, no seasonings. Use organic, if possible.)
Corn (Only feed small amounts once a week at most. Corn is high in phosphorous which can inhibit the absorption of calcium if fed in large amounts.)
Eggs (Always boiled or scrambled. Two gliders can share one egg.)
Kiwi (Do not worry about removing seeds.)
Mushrooms ((white) Store-bought only! I don't want to see anyone feeding their gliders something they found in the backyard, lol.)
Oranges (However, not safe regularly. Citric acid can give gliders the runs. Works well to clear up a constipated glider. Never give to joeys.but can give to glider who's having FLU. give them a small sip only)
Papaya (very high in calcium.good for those who give their gliders, mealworm)
Pineapple (High in citric acid. Only feed small amounts about once a week at the most.)
Raspberries (Small amounts once or twice a week - too much can give them the runs.)
Soy (Contrary to popular belief, soy is not harmful to gliders. A piece of tofu is a delicious treat. Just do not forget to also offer your glider his regular calcium and protein.)
Spinach (A great source of calcium.)
Sweet Potatoes (I would recommend boiling them and mashing into a puree.)
Watermelon (Small amounts once or twice a week - too much can give them the runs.)
Yogurt Plain or flavored, do not use any with artificial sweetners. Avoid "sugar free".

sumber: KPSGI(komunitas pecinta sugar glider indonesia)

terimakasih KPSGI... semoga bermanfaat

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